Head lice are more prevalent during back-to-school time...and that season will be back before we know it. A head louse (the singular form of lice - yes, we looked it up) looks like a tan or grayish insect (about the size of a strawberry seed). They attach to a piece of hair by crawling and are transmitted through head-to-head contact (they can not jump or fly) - this is why head lice is more common in families with young children or those that come in close contact at school.
Our EcoClear team wants you to be prepared - that is why we’ve collected everything you need to know about how to indicate head lice, preventative measures you can take and how to safely & naturally treat them.
Signs & Symptoms
Besides the most common sign of head lice, itching, there are other indicators of an infestation. See some listed below:
✓ Lice eggs (nits) on hair
✓ Sores on the scalp, neck and shoulders
✓ Lice on scalp
Nits are commonly mistaken for dandruff, residue from other hair products, dead hair tissue, dirt or debris - be sure to not mistake a lice infestation for one of these before purchasing a treatment.
Preventative Measures
According to mayoclinic.org, head lice occurs most often with children in preschool through elementary. While it may not be 100% preventable, there are preventative measures that you can take. When it comes to sending your kids off to school for the new year, or sending them to a sleepover/playdate with friends, keep the following things top of mind:
✓ Don’t share hairbrushes, combs, hair accessories
✓ Have your child bring their own pillow & blanket to a sleepover
✓ Don’t share towels
✓ Don’t exchange clothes, especially hats, scarves or jackets
If you or your child has come in close contact with a confirmed case of head lice, make sure to get checked out by your doctor before seeking treatment. There are many over-the-counter treatments, such as combs or shampoos, but they are not always effective and warrant multiple treatments.
The All-Natural Solution
At EcoClear Products, we pride ourselves on creating products that are both safe AND effective while getting the job done. Stop Bugging Me!™ Super Lice Shampoo is a one-step shampoo and treatment combination that safely eliminates lice and lice eggs in even the longest and thickest hair. Efficient and effective, it’s easy to use on all head or body lice.
Stop Bugging Me!™ Super Lice Shampoo is doctor-recommended and laboratory-proven to eliminate and help prevent re-infestation of all lice, even mutated "Super Lice" strains. Best of all, it’s free of dyes, perfumes, harsh chemicals, and pesticides. It’s also hypoallergenic and safe for all household members, which means it can be reapplied as needed. Work in. Let sit. Comb. Rinse—and say goodbye to lice and nits. It’s that easy!
If you’re interested in learning more about our non-toxic products, contact our team at EcoClear Products by emailing info@ecoclearproducts.com.