RatX® Throw Packs - EcoClear Products


Humane extermination isn’t the only thing that sets RatX® rodenticides apart. While rat poisons (including those that contain anticoagulants, bromethalin, cholecalciferol, or zinc phosphide) can be deadly if ingested by humans or other animal species, RatX® rodenticides are safe for humans and non-rodent pets and outdoor wildlife.

People, Pet & Wildlife Safe

No risk of Secondary Kill

Formulated for Indoor & Outdoor Use. Perfect for Both Professional & DIY Use.


Step 1

Rodents naturally intake 10% of their body weight per feeding; consuming 4%-6% of the rodent’s weight is lethal for the pest.

Step 2

After intake, the rodent no longer has the ability to drink, leading to dehydration.

Step 3

Without the ability to drink water, dehydration continues, leading to kidney failure and unconsciousness.

Step 4

The rat or mouse expires while in an unconscious state. Death occurs in 3-5 days for rats, 24-48 hours for mice.

Step 5

The Sodium Chloride continues to 
dehydrate the rodent from the inside out, mummifying the animal and eliminating the moisture and foul odors.